Free XMonitor 1.9.7 Download
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XMonitor 1.9.7 Download

XMonitor 1.9.7

License: Freeware Free
Publisher: Fork Networking
File size: 1.67MB
OS: Mac OS X
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Utilities

XMonitor 1.9.7 Description

"A free real-time computer, email, remote host monitoring application. Mac OS X."

BS Editor: XMonitor is a real-time computer, email, and remote host monitoring application for Mac OS X.
XMonitor allows you to easily monitor your disk, cpu, ram and network usage, PPP status, IP address, Email, and more. XMonitor can also monitor the status of up to 25 remote servers via http or ICMP ping requests. XMonitor can automatically generate HTML reports of past and current activity and graph past performance for up to 30 days.
XMonitor is Free Software distrubuted under the Free Software Foundations GPL. you can free download XMonitor 1.9.7 now.

XMonitor 1.9.7 Keywords

x monitor

XMonitor 1.9.7 Related Software

  • XMonitor
    A free real-time computer, email, remote host monitoring application. Mac OS X.
  • XMonitor
    A free real-time computer, email, remote host monitoring application. Mac OS X.

XMonitor 1.9.7 Publisher's Software

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