Free SnapCharts 1.2 Download
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SnapCharts 1.2 Download

SnapCharts 1.2

License: Shareware $19.95
Publisher: Data Analysts Working Group
File size: 968KB
OS: Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Photograph & Graphics

SnapCharts 1.2 Description

"SnapCharts can generate great-looking animated charts."

EditByBSEditor: SnapCharts is designed to generate great-looking animated charts as quickly and as easily as possible. While there are a lot of settings you can use to customize your chart, you can also ignore most of these settings and still get great effects.

If you run the program from the installer, it will open a sample chart to get you started. One of the easiest ways to understand how the program works is to start with a sample chart and change the settings one by one. When you have settings you like, you can generate a chart, or save the settings and generate a chart later.

To load a saved chart definition, use the controls on the file options page. The program includes some sample charts to get you started - these will be located in your installation directory.

You can draw and re-draw your chart at any time, and often the best way to get the effect you want is to experiment with the various settings and keep re-drawing your chart. If you need more information about any particular options, check in this help documentation. You can reach help for any page in the program by pressing the "Help" button at the bottom of the window. you can free download SnapCharts 1.2 now.

SnapCharts 1.2 Keywords

SnapCharts 1.2 Related Software

  • SnapCharts
    SnapCharts can generate great-looking animated charts.
  • SnapCharts
    SnapCharts can generate great-looking animated charts.

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