Free Skinned Button control 1.0 Download
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Skinned Button control 1.0 Download

Skinned Button control 1.0

License: Freeware Free
File size: 14KB
OS: Windows 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Development

Skinned Button control 1.0 Description

"A WTL version of Shinya Miyamoto's Window Blinds skinned button."

BSEditor: This is a WTL version of Shinya Miyamoto's Windows Blinds skinned button. The original MFC source code can be found on the CodeProject programming site.
It took me a while to discover this control and its fine ability to not only create nicely drawn buttons - but also to have a wealth of different skins to choose from. Just look at the web-site to try out some different themes.
The button lacks my offscreen memory device, so it flickers a bit. But instead I fixed a few problems and added limited support for checkbox behaviour.
The button also include support for 256 coloured displays
On my old Amiga computer I always enjoyed to fiddle with palettes. However, on MS Windows they are a pain! Palettes are needed when a control have to support 256 colour desktops. The idea with palette support for this control is that you either Extract the palette of the button bitmap or supply a uniform/merged application-wide palette and assign it to the control. The control then uses the palette to display the state image (more) correctly on the 256 colour display. you can free download Skinned Button control 1.0 now.

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