Free Shutdown Download
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Shutdown 1.02


Shutdown 1.02

    This program can be setup to shutdown, logoff, turn off or restart a user's PC.

    Shutdown 1.02 Keywords

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    Shutdown 1.02 Related Download

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    • Y2K Joke
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    • Follow Me
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    • Shutdown
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    • Shakedown
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    • Black Screen
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    • Windows Product Key Viewer
      Windows Product Key Viewer is a free utility that will display Windows key.
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    • The Finger
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    • Create Message Pro
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    • Add/Remove
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    • DelayExec
      small utility accepts command line parameters to launc the file of your choice
    • Open/Close CD
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    • Mouse Move
      Run hidden to move mouse cursor to random positions on the screen.
    • PowerSave Prank
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    • This great prank makes it appear as though an unwanted file is being downloaded
    • Fake Shutdown
      This prank program simulates what would occur when a user chooses to shut down.
    • Rotate
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    • Flip It
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    • Resize Browser
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    • Uptime
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    • UpTime Screen Saver
      UpTime Screen saver is more like a utility. It will show you how long the cur...

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