Free radialM 1.9 Download
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radialM 1.9 Download

radialM 1.9

License: Freeware Free
Publisher: Salvatore Agostino Romeo
File size: 2.60MB
OS: Windows XP
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Desktop Utilities

radialM 1.9 Description

"radialM lets you manage any application with radial menu, pull-down menu"

EditByBSEditor: What is radialm?
radialm is a program to make your windows experience better: it can drammatically change your everyday computer life. Think you'll be able to manage any of your software by using a radiaL menu, that cames from your cursor and shows you 8 items to select. Any item is a command that can be configured from a list of predefinied commands, like sending a key combination or runnig some file. Also any item can call another radial menu or a normal menu, to make you define as many commands as you want for a particular application.
How does it work?
You can take an action with a little movement of your mouse cursor: call a radial menu, move the mouse and the Action is taken. That's all!
What about other features?
radialm is not limited to radial menu: it supports rocket gestures(combinations of mouse buttons), you can define Hotkeys to make almost anything on your PC, you can make pull-down menu as easy as writing a text in a document. It as numerous commands to manage windows(move,resize,minimize,transparent,...), to manage clipboard items, to fastly browse folders,... radialm support extension writen in ahk, so possibilities are infinite
How does it cost?
radialm is open source and free for any use, but please consider to make a donation if you like it. you can free download radialM 1.9 now.

radialM 1.9 Keywords

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  • radialM
    radialM lets you manage any application with radial menu, pull-down menu
  • radialM
    radialM lets you manage any application with radial menu, pull-down menu

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