Free HP16C Emulator 2.0 Download
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HP16C Emulator 2.0 Download

HP16C Emulator 2.0

License: Shareware $16.95
Publisher: Jamie O'Connell
File size: 844KB
OS: Windows XP, 2000
Date added: 2009-10-27
Category: Home & Education

HP16C Emulator 2.0 Description

"It is a software simulation of the original HP-16C Computer Scientist calculator"

BS Editor: Features
The HP16C Emulator will operate under Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista. The price for a License is $23.95 USD.
This calculator uses Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), an operating logic that involves the use of the ENTER key. This eliminates the need for parentheses in calculations, instead operations are performed using a memory stack.

Integer Modes
Hexadecimal, Decimal, Octal, and Binary arithmetic; number base conversion; bit manipulations; logical operations; adjustable word size. Operations: ÷, ×, +, -, Shift Left, Shift Right, Left Justify, Rotate Left, Rotate Right, Mask Left, Mask Right, Remainder, OR, AND, NOT, XOR, Double Remainder, Double Divide, Double Multiply and more...

Floating Point Mode
Extensive floating point calculations, plus Square Root and Reciprocal.
Programming can be done in both modes. The emulators continuous memory retains data and program instructions until reset. There is an Index Register which can be used for loop counts, and logical tests that can be used for conditional execution.

Completely configurable computer keyboard mapping.
Save and Load Programs as either binary or text.
Save and Load complete internal calculator state.
Auxiliary views: Evaluation Stack, Register View, Program View you can free download HP16C Emulator 2.0 now.

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